Policies and Procedures

Little Chicks Pre-School’s policies and procedures are placed in a folder in the parents waiting room. You are strongly recommended to make yourselves familiar with their contents. These will be updated as required, and a general review of all policies will be conducted annually.

Should information within any policy be unclear, please speak to Angela Taylor.

The Management will ensure that any changes to any policy will be communicated to all employees.
We endeavour to ensure that all staff practices remain in line with the current best practice, and resources will remain appropriate.

All our policies are 'living documents' so as and when we have updates from either Ofsted or the Government we make the relevant changes. 

Policies contained within this folder have been broken down into sections these being:-

Safeguarding children, and young people / Child Protection

Policy statement

Little Chicks Pre-School works with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and young people and to give them the very best start in life. Our Safeguarding Policy is based on the two key commitments.
Key commitment 1
We are committed to building a 'culture of safety' in which children and young people are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of our service delivery.
Key commitment 2
We are committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents, allegations or concerns of abuse that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in 'What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused' (HMG 2015) and ‘No Secrets’ (DoH 2015).


Policy statement

We meet the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage, ensuring that our staff are appropriately qualified, and we carry out checks for criminal and other records through the Disclosure & Barring Services in accordance with statutory requirements.


Policy statement

We provide a staffing ratio in line with the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that children have sufficient individual attention and to guarantee care and education of a high quality. Our staff are appropriately qualified.

Achieving positive behaviour

Policy statement

Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights, of others and the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects. This is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting the correct example. The principles that underpin how we achieve positive and considerate behaviour exist within our programme for promoting personal, social and emotional development.

Sun Cream & Suitable Clothing Policy

Policy statement

The safety and wellbeing of children & staff are of paramount importance at Little Chicks Pre-School Limited.
Children should be protected from the sun before coming into Pre-School in the way of sun cream & wearing suitable clothing.
Parents must apply suncream to their child before the start of the Pre-School session when the UV rays are moderate and above.

Index Exposure
1-2 Low
3-5 Moderate
6-7 High
8-10 Very high
11 Extreme

See what parents are saying about us

  • Thank you so much for always being so understanding and looking after my child. Now have a really good couple of years rest before I send double trouble to you.

  • Thank you so much for taking care of my child the past 3 years, but not only for that for helping him become a part of the nursery. It’s felt hard at times with reviews; health visitors, speech therapists etc. but you’ve always helped us through it, Take care I know my child will miss you all.

  • The hardest thing for parents is finding the best nursery/school for their child. I can honestly say without a doubt we sent my child to the best nursery. My child has been so well looked after and has learned so much from all of you. Thank you all so much, take care and I will see you soon.

  • You are all ‘AMAZING’, thank you for always being there for my child and giving him such an incredible journey in pre-school. See you soon with number 2.

  • Thank you for all being so kind and caring. I appreciate everything you’ve done for my child and preparing him for school. From his 2 years at pre-school I’ve noticed a great improvement in his speech, confidence and independence.

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